Tuesday, 4 September 2012

another day at hugh christie

school bus

today i went to school with the school bus. school started today for all the year seven students, and year seven is the first year at secondary school so there were crying mums at every bus stop letting their child take the school bus for the very first time... was really funny. some might say sweet. year seven students have to wear school uniform, everyone but sixth formers have to. i'm glad i'm a sixth former (you haven't seen those skirts i'd look really creepy!)... mr. h. told us loads of things about britain. and we got our time tables! i have 18 lessons a week but lessons last an hour so it's like 24 lessons of 45 minutes in switzerland. (i used to have 34 lessons in switzerland so it's still better) :D as you can see on the photograph below, i have to go to school on tuesday only in the afternoon and on thursday only for one hour of photography... efl (teached by mr. h.) means english for foreign language or something like that, just that nobody's going to ask. friday afternoon will always be fun stuff like drinking tea, getting to know traditional english pub games, cream tea... and so on. 

my excuses for the bad photograph...

so that's it for today... hug/kisses from england to whom it may concern 

1 comment:

  1. You'll be pretty stupid in a year. So little school? Not good... >:)
